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August 26, 2021

5 Best Visas to Immigrate to Australia

Australian Visa | Immigrate to Australia

The rapid economic growth of Australia over the past few years has opened a wide range of career opportunities. There are multiple ways in which an individual can immigrate to Australia and establish their life in its beautiful landscape.

Reasons, why people seek to immigrate to Australia, are:

  • The work-life balance is the main reason why people choose to migrate to Australia.
  • A low demographic
  • Low pollution levels
  • Efficient and accessible healthcare is an add-on perk.

Australia provides access to its regions through various visa methods which include student visa, Work Visa, Tourist Visa, Visit Visa, Permanent Residency, Investor Visa, or Business Visa.
A2W will help you determine the best jobs, colleges, scholarships, in your journey to Migrate to Australia. We even help you to discover other ventures available in Australia. A2W, the best immigration consultants in Dubai are here, to help you get your Australian Visa and, ease your immigration process for a trip to Australia.

Despite the wide range of opportunities that A2W offers there are still 5 best ways for you to Immigrate to Australia.

The 5 best visas that will help you realize your Australian Migration dreams are:

1. Immigrate to Australia with Australian Student Visa

International students are an asset to the Australian economy. They contribute approximately $40 billion to the country’s wealth. Australia supports 250,000 jobs for non-citizens and international students are given priority. This makes the Australian Student Visa an amazing option for students looking to Migrate to Australia.

The Australian Government is making amendments to the Student Visa attainment procedure. This ensures that Australia remains a priority destination for international students.

We are ICCRC certified Immigration Consultants and are available 24/7 along with our dedicated team. Our team ensures that you reach out to the best universities and courses available that cater to your interests.
Records prove that with A2W guidance, the chances of getting a Permanent Residency through an Australian student visa are statically higher than average.
Readout this blog by idp on Studying in Australia for more detailed information on Student visas and to help you immigrate to Australia.

2. Australian Work Visa

A2W Consultants make the process of acquiring an Australian Work Visa easier for their clients. We have simplified the process to offer three types of Australian Work Visas.
These comprehensive visas enable you to choose any category of work. The most popular short-term category to choose from is: –

  • Working Holiday Visa

These visas are for a temporary stay in Australia. The unique thing about these visas is that they allow you to travel to Australia and work. It combines both the elements of work and vacation, as you can travel while also earning a steady income.

  • General Skilled Immigration Visa:

If you are not sure which category to choose from, then the best place to start is- General Skilled Immigration. Australia is always on the lookout for skilled workers.

The GSM program is an Australian Visa program for skilled migrants. Skill selection is a component of the GSM program. Your skill selection will be based on a point-based system. It is a useful tool for some visas to bridge the gap between the workers and the employees.

A Point-Tested Skilled Migration Visa is to be submitted as an Expression of Interest (EOI) on SkillSelect, an online system used to assist with migration programs.

However, opting for an EOI is totally optional. For more information, read this blog on General Skilled Migration by Aussizgroup this would help you better understand the process to immigrate to Australia.

  • Australian Business Visa

For well-planned investment ideas, an Australian Business visa is the best for migration to Australia.
The experts at A2W are in constant touch with both the immigration departments and our clients, so they can identify and apply for opportunities that a candidate is best suited for. To know more about the Work Visa, get in touch with us today!
Read this blog on Working in Australia for more detailed information to Migrate to Australia.

3. Visit Visa Australia

For an Australian Visit Visa, you would primarily need an inviter who is either a relative or an investor for a business. You also need identification documents for yourself and your invite.

There are three major subtypes of a Visit Visa:
a. A Tourist Visa: Used by people for leisure and recreation
b. A Business Visa: Used for short business trips or work events
c. Sponsored Family Visitor: Used for familial visits

Australian Visit Visa is an umbrella term, therefore experience and in-depth knowledge of the immigration process and laws is needed to match the exact type of Visitor Visa corresponding to your requirements.
You can apply for an Australian Visit Visas under Subclass 600/601/651/444/461/417 and 462. A2W aims to help you travel without any worries while you immigrate to Australia.
We wish to ease the processing of your Visit Visa & realize your dream to immigrate to Australia by getting in touch with us today!

4. Australia PR Visa

Australia’s vibrant lifestyle makes it a desirable destination. Its multi-cultural society and easy communication make it all the more pleasant to live in. The easy application process for permanent residence in Australia makes it a tempting location.

While investing in Australia is always a good bet for both sides there are more favorable conditions for immigrants now. With Australia’s booming economy, the number of immigrants they take every year is on the rise.

You will be eligible to apply for Australian Permanent Residency after clearing requisites like health and financial standing. You can also read our Quick Guide on Australian PR for more information on this section.

A2W is the best Australia immigration Consultants in Dubai providing a number of immigration options. Learn more about us and don’t waste even a second before actualizing your dream to immigrate to Australia. 

To know more about what is best for you, get in touch with us now!

5. Investor Visa

The provisional and subclass visa provides a foundation for easy foreign investment into the country. To acquire permanent residency, the immigrant would need a business innovation idea or investment stream.

Such investment plans are to be provided with documented proof of plans. The Investor Visa helps the entire family immigrate to Australia; the feeling of home thus stays even while starting a new life in the country.

Travel becomes much easier and cheaper with many countries more accessible than before. Dual citizenship benefits include better healthcare and education, creating a chain of savings for your future!

Contact A2W Consultants to know more about different Australian visas.

Immigrate to Australia with A2WConsultants

With the help of our many years of experience, A2W curates the best guide to invest in Australia. There are several perks that Australia offers. Opportunities combined with the knowledge of the right investment choice, you could live a stimulating life of luxury.

Our trained professionals guide you through the application steps for both long and short-term stays, with your best interests at heart. Your personalized guide to a memorable trip or stay in Australia will be at your disposal within minutes. Get in touch with us for any Australian immigration-related query today!

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